News International Maritime Association

Help for tankers in the Lyman direction! (24.05.2024)

As we remember, on September 11, 2022, during a large-scale counteroffensive in the Kharkiv region, Ukrainian troops liberated many cities and settlements from the occupiers. In those days, the public was torn by the news of how the Russian army, abandoning equipment, was fleeing from the eastern direction!

And now, two years later, our troops are again facing a difficult task. The enemy is making another attempt to attack the Kharkiv region, but we know that their plans are not destined to come true, because all of us, our troops, the volunteer corps and every Ukrainian who contributes to the needs of the army, are doing everything to prevent the enemy from achieving at least some success in that direction!

Our volunteers of the NGO "GloBee International", with the support of the International Maritime Association, delivered humanitarian aid to our tankers to the front line in the Limansk direction to support the boys and help them endure this difficult confrontation!

As always, we thank our friend and partner charity organization Space-Eye for their support and assistance! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Armed Forces!