News International Maritime Association

We energize the soldiers of the Armed Forces. (15.06.2024)

The arrival in Kramatorsk turned out to be very busy. Fierce battles are taking place in the Donetsk area right now, and our fighters sometimes do incredible things and show miracles of resilience and courage, defending our land from the invaders. In addition to the fact that it is simply humanly difficult, it is also very energy-consuming! The boys get tired and there is not always an opportunity to rest and properly recover.

The team of the NGO "GloBee International", represented by volunteers Mykola Baraniuk and Olya Hryshnyuk, who joined our team on this trip and with the support of our association, handed over energy supplies from the Atlantic-link company and food aid to our fighters, so that our fighters maintained the level of vigor and charge while performing combat tasks!

We express our gratitude to the charitable organization Space-Eye for the assistance and assistance in the implementation of humanitarian missions, as well as to Yulia Cherednyk for logistical assistance, as well as to Tetyana Rybakova, who, after our departure, continues to deliver our humanitarian aid to various units of the Armed Forces !

Together to victory! Glory to Ukraine!